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Swim Team Prep - Gutter Guppies

Swim Team Prep (aka "Gutter Guppies")

Gutter Guppies is a swim team prep swim program for our youngest Wahoos (approx. 3-6 year olds) who need further instruction in order to join Swim Team. Swimmers will progress through the program as written and directed by Head Coach Adrian Lohse.

Our goal with Gutter Guppies is to help build the skills and confidence of our youngest Wahoos so that they are able to move onto the Swim Team with ease, excitement, and proper technique. We want them to be successful, happy Swim Team members! Generally speaking, a strong candidate for our Gutter Guppy program:

  1. Is swim confident (this is not a program for fearful swimmers);
  2. Has had some swim experience and is okay in the water without a floatie with supervision (i.e. can kick themselves back to the wall);
  3. Is ready and excited to be in the water!

When ready to graduate from Gutter Guppies onto the Swim Team, you can expect your swimmer to be able to:

  1. Swim one lap (25 yds) freestyle, unassisted.
  2. Swim backstroke with limited assistance. Swimmers must be comfortable in the water swimming on their backside for safety reasons.
  3. Understand that they should be diving into the pool fingers first, and are very close to doing so (vs. feet first).


Registration date: Monday, February 5, 2024

Session dates and times:

  • We are offering three, 2-week sessions:

Session 1: June 3-June 14

Session 2: June 17-June 28 (except for Juneteenth)

Session 3: July 8-July 19

  • Lessons will be semi-private with a goal of approximately 4 guppies per group (2) of instructors (4:2).
  • Lessons will be 30 minutes.
  • Swimmers will attend 4x/week, Monday-Thursday. No lessons on Fridays.
  • Lessons will be held 1:00-1:30 pm OR 1:30-2:00 pm. You will be assigned to a time slot based on instructor availability after registration has closed.
  • No refunds will be issued for missed lessons; additionally, session costs will not be prorated for missed lessons.
  • A Gutter Guppy swim meet will be held the week of July 19th and we encourage all guppies to participate!

Eligibility: This program is meant for 3-6 year olds who are already water safe and need further instruction that would then allow them to join Swim Team. For questions about eligibility, please contact Coach Adrain, [email protected].

Cost per swimmer per session:

  • Session 1: $180 per swimmer
  • Session 2: $160 per swimmer (pro-rated for the June 19th holiday)
  • Session 3: $180 per swimmer
  • If a swimmer participates in all 3 sessions, the rate will be discounted to $150 per session (or $450 total)

Refund policy for Gutter Guppies: Refunds can only be processed during open enrollment period and will be subject to a $35 processing fee per swimmer per session. Note: In the event of unexpected or unforeseen, extended periods of pool closure, the swim team committee will evaluate refunds and make up sessions at that time. However, no refunds will be issued for missed lessons and, additionally, session costs will not be prorated for missed lessons (i.e. vacations, appointments, sick days, etc.).

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